Brahmasutra Ayurvaidyasala

About Us

We follow the tradition of considering every single patient as her own constitutional individuality and prescribe medicines for the illness of that particular human body. We have developed a research oriented method to monitor individual patients in a systematic way to assess various diseases like cancer, motor neuron diseases, auto immune diseases and a wide range of life style disorders. We ensure authentic and appropriate Ayurvedic remedies for all ailments. The Panchakarma treatment offered here is in its truest and scientific form. Potions and herbal medicines are readily made at the ayurvaidyasala and administered at the time of treatment for better efficacy.

Our Approach


The topic or the issue at hand that needs attention


Articulating the perplexities of the issue


Patient history and prior occurrence


Apt medicine and treatments as per the classical texts of Ayurveda


Returning to the the equilibrium

Stimulating physical well-being and peaceful psyche by drawing methods and treatments from traditional and classical texts of Ayurveda.

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