Brahmasutra Ayurvaidyasala

Ayurvedic Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment in Ayurveda

Other symptoms are vision impairment, tingling, and numbness of the skin and limbs, difficulty walking, memory loss, depression.

The symptoms of MS may occur in isolation or in combination.
A clinical attack is considered if the symptoms are present for a minimum of 24hrs.

Multiple Sclerosis is a neurodegenerative and an autoimmune disorder of central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves). It is an inflammatory (where the body’s own immune cells attack the nervous system) and demyelinating disease (myelin the protective covering of the nerves is destroyed leaving multiple areas of scar tissue or sclerosis) It is progressive in nature. Multiple Sclerosis is not contagious and does not shorten the life expectancy of those who are diagnosed with the disease.

Cause Of Multiple Sclerosis

The exact cause remains unknown, but researchers believe that a combination of several factors may be involved such as:

  • Immunological reaction – Multiple Sclerosis is generally believed to be autoimmune diseases
  • Viral or other Infectious agents – Some factors such as infections encountered before the age of 15 may cause for Multiple Sclerosis to develop later in life. Researchers believe that many autoimmune diseases are provoked by some kind of infections that strikes people who have certain genetic makeup.
  • Environmental factors – Multiple Sclerosis occurs in geographic locations that are farther from the equator probably because of Vitamin – D deficiency.
  • Genetic factor – Family history is associated with risk of Multiple Sclerosis (It is strong with MHC on ch 6, HLA DR B1-1501).

Types Of Multiple Sclerosis

  • Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis

    Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis occurs in more than 80% of the cases, unpredictable attacks which may not leave permanent deficits followed by periods of remission.

  • Primary-progressive Multiple Sclerosis

    10-20% of the cases with Multiple Sclerosis are diagnosed with PP-MS or Primary-progressive Multiple Sclerosis, gradual progression of diseases from its onset with no relapses or remissions.

  • Progressive-relapsing Multiple Sclerosis

    The occurrence of Progressive-relapsing Multiple Sclerosis is rare, initially presenting as PP-MS however steady decline since onset with superimposed attacks.

  • Secondary-progressive Multiple Sclerosis

    Secondary-progressive Multiple Sclerosis usually follows the RR-MS that suddenly begins to decline without periods of remission and relapses.

Diagnosis Of Multiple Sclerosis

  • Neurological examination
  • Brain MRI scan.
  • If Multiple Sclerosis is present very high percentage of protein IgG (oligoclonal antibody) bands can be seen in cerebrospinal fluid which is an additional confirmatory test.

Challenges In Diagnosis Of Multiple Sclerosis

  • Early diagnosis of MS is a challenge as immediate access to imaging and scans are not available in many parts of the country.
  • Sometimes a family physician may not diagnose the problem and hence won’t be able to send the patient to the right place.
  • Due to similar symptoms in other diseases, MS can often be misdiagnosed.


Blood-brain barrier breakdown- The BBB prevents entrance of T cells into the nervous system. The BBB is normally not permeable to these types of cells unless triggered by infection or a virus, which decreases the integrity of the tight junctions. When the BBB regains its integrity, usually after infection or virus has cleared, the T cells are trapped inside the brain.
[Note: T cells are a type of lymphocytes ( a subtype of WBC) plays a central role in cell-mediated immunity. They are called T cells because they mature in Thymus from thymocytes. ]

Auto immunology – The immune system attacks the nervous system, forming plaques or lesion. Commonly involves white matter. Destroys oligodendrocytes causing demyelination. Remyelination occurs in the early phase but not completely. Repeated attacks lead to fewer remyelination.

Inflammation– T cells attack on myelin triggers inflammatory processes, stimulating other immune cells and soluble factors like cytokines and antibodies. Leaks form in the BBB cause swelling, activation of macrophages and more activation of cytokines and other destructive proteins.

Ayurvedic View On Multiple Sclerosis

According to Ayurveda Multiple Sclerosis is categorised under the Rasa vaha and Majja vaha Srotas. Srotas are the network of functional pathway in the body. When these srotasas are unimpeded there is health. Heart, brain and kidney are the three sadyopranaharamarmas which are agneya in nature. Death can occur if there is any pathological disease or physical trauma to any of these marmas. The disease caused to these marmas Arekashta Sadhya in nature.

Factors involved in the pathology of Multiple Sclerosis

  • Srotorodha

    Blockage in the minute channels running in our body

  • Majja dhatu kshaya

  • Tridosha

  • Ojovikruthi


  • Shortness of Breath, Lethargy, Mental confusion
  • Bad taste in the mouth, Feeling of coldness, Pain in flanks.
  • Abnormal Heart Rhythm, Abnormal Urine output with or without blood
  • Itching, Chest pain, High blood pressure, Swelling around ankles

Before delving into the pathology of Multiple Sclerosis here is a brief description on immunity as per Ayurveda as Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder.


Concept of Vyadhikshamatwa in Ayurveda is similar to immunity. Vyadhikshamatwa means factors which limits the pathogenesis and opposes the strength of diseases. In charakasamhitavyadhikshamatwa it is explained in terms of vyadhibalavirodhitvamie, i.e. the capacity to restrain or withstand the strength or severity of diseases and vyadhi utpaadakapratibandhakatvamie, i.e the resisting power of the body competent enough to prevent the occurrence and reoccurrence of disease. Vyadhikshamatwa is related to Agni, Bala and Ojas in the body.

Immunity is influenced by the power of Agni. Agni is the ability to digest, assimilate and absorb the nutrition in the human body. If Agni is impaired by any imbalance then the metabolism will get affected, immune response and natural resistance will also lower.

Bala is the strength of the body tissue. It is difficult to treat disease which is occurred in one whose body strength is low.
Bala is classified into three types:-
1.Sahaja bala-constitutional(by birth).
2.Kalajabala – based on division of season and age of the person.
3.Yuktikrithabala – acquired strength.

It is the pure and subtle substance which is extracted from the food that has been completely digested. It provides psychological stability and endurance. The nature of Ojas differs from person to person depending on Agni, Satva, Prakruti etc. Ojas maintains the physiological balance of the body. Characteristic feature of Ojas are somatmakam, snighdha, shukla, sheeta, sthira, sara, vivikta, mridu, mritsna. Ojas is useful to maintain the condition of good health. It not only nourishes all the body constituents but also nourishes the mind. The functions of Ojas are, Balasthiraupachitamamsatha (stability and growth of muscles), Sarvacheshtasvapratikhata (ability to perform all activities without any hindrance), Svaravarnaprasada (clarity of voice and complexion), karananamaatmakaaryapratipathi ( the ability of external and internal sense organs to perform their own functions). The three abnormalities of Ojas are Ojovisramsa, Ojovyapath, and Ojokshaya.

Majja dhatu and Mastulunga

As per Astangasangraha and Induteekka, Mastulunga is derived from Medodhatu which gets turned into Majjadhatu. Mastulunga is also considered as majjadhatu because of the fact that it is present in the flat bones of the skull.

Pathophysiology of Multiple Sclerosis as per Ayurveda

Multiple Sclerosis is a sannipataja vyadhi (vitiation of all tridoshas), with majjadhatukshaya, kaphakshaya, ojakshaya,andvata- pitta vriddi.
Due to aharajaviharaja and manasanidanas, causes the aggravation of vata dosha, this aggravated vata enters the Asthi majja dhatu where the khavaigunya is already present due to hypo activity of the dhatwagni leading to defect in the selective absorption of nutrients by the receptive cells in the Asthi majja dhatu (as per khalekapotanyaya).

Thus the atipravarthi of prakupitavata leads to Asthi majja vaha srotodushti in the mastulunga (brain) leading to sthanikakaphakshaya, vatavriddhi and majjakshayaie the demyelination of the nerve cells. As per Ayurveda lymphatic congestion or srotorodha causes or predisposes or leads to immune related or nervous system disorders. Due to the disturbance in the dhatu parinama which leads to diminished production of Ojas resulting in Multiple Sclerosis.

Rupa and Lakshanas (Signs and Symptoms)

  • Sandhivishlesha

    Looseness of joints

  • Gatrasada

    Weakness of body

  • Kriyasannirodha

    Inability to perform normal functions

  • Shrama

    Lethargy or loss of energy, un interested in completing a or doing a task

  • Aprachuryamkriyam

    Impairment in the physical, vocal and mental functions of the body

  • Stambha guru gatrata

    Stiffness and feeling of heaviness in the body

  • Vata Shobha

    Swelling caused by Vata Dosha

  • Varna bheda

    Change in complexion

  • Tantra


  • Murcha


  • Agnana

    loss of sense

  • Timiradarshana

    visual disorder

  • Shukrakshayam

    Loss of libido

  • Asthi Nistodam

    Pain in bones

  • Moha

    Mental disturbance

  • Pralapa


Ayurvedic treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Treatment intervention to the subtle level of the body and a well-balanced food intake with a healthy lifestyle with utmost care is very much requiring curing such a grave disease. In the process of the treatment, the patient has to be encouraged to have a strong mind and extreme forbearance to achieve the cure they require.
The treatment principle includes sarvanga vata chikitsa, sannipata dosha chikitsa, deepana-paachana chikitsa, correcting the dhatu parinama process, dhatu kshya janya vata roga chikitsa, lakshanika chikitsa, mastishka naadi vishesha chikitsa, naadi balya chikitsa and rasayana chikitsa.
Treatments advised are abhyanga, dhara, udvarthana with brihmana dravyas, snehapana, shirodhara, shirovasti,nasya, matra vasti, anuvasana vasti and njavara kizhi.

Diet and life style

As it is a degenerative disease, foods which are acidic, high in saturated fat, food with trans fat, food with high sodium, foods high in refined sugar, full-fat dairy etc has to be avoided.
Also avoid over exertion, fasting for a long period, constant worries, food which is dry in nature, consuming less quantity of food, excessive exposure to heavy wind and the sun, heat, keeping awake at night, anger, fear, grief and sorrow. Avoid incompatible foods, untimely food self-medication, habituated use of medicines like pain killers, anti inflammatory medicines, sleeping pills etc.
Intake food which is easy for digestion, alkaline in nature, fresh, having all six rasas, seasonal foods, timely foods, vitamin-D rich foods, keep hydrating the body, keep mind calm, relaxed and free from worries, intake of more antioxidants rich fruits, green vegetable etc.

Recommended Changes to your Diet and Lifestyle

  • Detox regularly

    Remove toxins from body with the help of Ayurvedic detox principles

  • Avoid Self Medication

    Avoid self-medication and habituated use of medicines such as pain killers’, anti-inflammatory medicines sleeping pills etc.

  • Healthy exposure to natural sunlight

    Sunlight plays a critical role in creating Vitamin D in the body that is essential for bones

  • Control sodium intake

    Restrict sodium intake in the diet like sea foods, pickles, papad etc.

  • Keep your body well hydrated

    Drink ample amount of water and consume water rich fruits and vegetables.

  • Increase your antioxidants intake

    Consume foods with high content of antioxidants such as fruits and green vegetables

  • Avoid fatty foods

    Fatty, oily fried foods, packaged and processed food, aerated drinks, bakery items, refrigerated foods stale foods need to be avoided.

  • Avoid acidic foods

    Avoid acidic foods especially a high protein diet, boil the vegetables before consuming.

  • Avoid stress

    It is very important to keep yourself calm, relaxed and free from worries.

Ayurveda recommends you meditate regularly along with yoga to maintain a healthy balance of your Jeeva Dhatus.

Recommended Yoga Postures for Multiple Sclerosis




Supta badha konasana






Breathing exercises



Visible Changes Noticed after Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis at Brahmasutra Ayurvaidyasala

  • Restoration the general health of the patient

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