Anxiety Treatment in Ayurveda

Anxiety is a feel of worry or apprehensiveness about a certain situation or the outcome of the situation. Everyone feels anxious at some point of their life. The feeling of anxiety can be high during stressful moments like exams, starting a new job, making a life-changing decision, or loss of a loved one. Anxiety is mostly triggered by external situations and a person’s reaction to the situation. It is normal for everyone to feel anxious. But, for some people, anxiety is constant, which keeps them from enjoying their daily life and even having a normal relationship with people around.
Did you know that there is anxiety treatment in Ayurveda? But, before we go there, let’s see the causes and symptoms of anxiety.

Causes of anxiety

  • Genetic link

  • Environmental conditions

  • Parental behaviour/modelling

  • Chronic medical condition

  • Demographic factors

  • Behavioural patterns

Common anxiety disorders

  • Separation anxiety disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Selective phobias
  • Panic disorder
  • Agoraphobia
  • Anxiety induced by medication
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Hoarding disorder
  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • Acute stress disorder

Anxiety treatment in Ayurveda first involves identifying the type of anxiety disorder and its cause. Anxiety treatment in Ayurveda, no matter what type it is, involves ensuring the patient gets good sleep, strict diet, and proper regimen. These basic practices go a long way in reducing panic attacks and decreasing the intensity of anxiety attacks. Herbs such as ashwagandha, brahmi, mandukaparni, yashtimadhu, jatamamsi, amla, vacha etc have been found effective in reducing the symptoms of anxiety and relaxing the body and mind.

At Brahmasutra Ayurvaidyasala, we use a combination of physical therapy, counselling and herbal medicines to provide treatment for anxiety. In Ayurveda, we focus on treating the cause of the problem, so that the results are reliable and long-lasting. Apart from Ayurveda treatment for anxiety, we also provide treatment for hair loss, thyroid, PCOS, and other medical conditions. We also provide Ayurvedic detox programs.

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