How to reduce toxin buildup in your body

Avoid ama producing foods: These foods either induce ama into your body or aggravate and increase the already present toxins. If you are keen to cut down on intake and buildup of toxins or ama in your body then here are a few things that you must surely consider.

1- Do not consume leftovers, dead food such as packaged, canned, frozen foods. Since food is life-giving, the moment cooked food gets to room temperature it starts attracting pathogens and this is the reason why it is always recommended to consume fresh and freshly prepared food. Packaged, canned and frozen food is often processed and thereby exposing it to chemicals that are used to process the food. These foods contain traces of harmful chemicals and carcinogens that accumulate in your body over time as you continue consuming these products.

2- Avoid heavy dairy products such as cheese or curd. The two primary reasons to avoid or reduce the intake of modern-day dairy are:

  • a- The manufacturing process used to manufacture cheese, curd and other dairy products are modern industrial processes which use chemicals to achieve the results quickly that take time when they occur naturally.
  • b- Our modern day sedentary lifestyle has altered our metabolism and almost all of the fat contained in these products is retained in the body.

These products when consumed regularly, increase the kapha in your body. Agrivated kapha leads to blockage is the srotas (minute channels in the body).

3- Say No to food that is fried or oily. Fried food not only tastes great but is also terrible if you have a metabolic malfunction. As the nutrition value is very low in fried food and the body only converts a small portion to energy and the rest is stored or sent to the liver to sort. This is a major cause of toxin buildup and a high-stress job for the liver.

4- Refrain from heavy desserts. Food that contains refined sugar, iodized salt etc are harder to digest and breakdown thus increases the ama. As much as it is convenient the refined sugar should be replaced with organic brown sugar or powdered jagree. Natural rock salt aids in taste apart from having several benefits due to the minerals that it contains.

5- Avoid food that creates garvisha (environmental toxins). Foods that are not organic, grown with chemicals, pesticides, chemical fertilisers and foods with chemical additives. With excessive pressure on the liver, these toxins are retained in the body and impede metabolic activity and other systemic transactions that lead to malfunctions in organs.